I am a Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science of the University of Essex. My research is on algebraic and complex geometry, with focus on birational geometry of varieties of Fano type, moduli spaces and computational algebraic geometry.
You can see more info about me or my research, have a look at my publications and some computer code I’ve written.
My research is currently supported by EPSRC grant EP/V055399/1.
My team consists of Senior Research Officer Robert Hanson and PhD students Lufeng Li and Charlotte Satchwell. My former PhD student Theo Papazachariou is currently a Simons Fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge. My former postdoc Tiago Duarte-Guerreiro is now at Paris Saclay. I am always interested in hearing from potential PhD students and postdocs, so feel free to contact me directly if you want to work in my group.
- 16/12/24: Dr. Robert Hanson has joined our team as Senior Research Officer.
- 15/10/24: Our article “K-stability of Casagrande-Druel varieties” (joint with I. Cheltsov, T. Duarte Guerreiro, K. Fujita and I. Krylov) has been published in J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle’s journal).
The picture on the side was taken by Sanja Marjanovic.
E-mail: | jesus (at) jesusmartinezgarcia (dot) net |
Office: | STEM 5.9 |
Address: | Dr Jesus Martinez Garcia School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science University of Essex Colchester Campus, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ United Kingdom |
Phone: | +44 (0) 1206 873620 |